Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A verse for us all to memorize and take to heart

Just got an e-mail from one of our fearless leaders who had an excellent take on Isaiah 41:9-10:

I brought you from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corners (Canada, Mississippi, TN, VA, IN, Hong Kong andMD).

I said to you: You are My servant; (isn't that exactly what we want to be on this trip);
I have chosen you (now that should make you feel very special) & not rejected you.

Do not fear, (leaving children and family behind, the long trip on the plane, the unknown, how many register for the retreat, or the plans of the Thai day) for I am with you; your God.

I will strengthen you; (physically,emotionally, and mentally),
I will help you; (get everything done for this trip--preparation of the workshops; collection of all the treats; and support money);

I will hold on to youwith My righteous right hand (what an incredible promise!)

Once you start putting personal things in there it really brings it home, doesn't it?

1 comment:

luvnlife said...

Hey Melissa - it so great how all things are working out for your trip! I really love your outlook on life as we have studied together and in reading this blog. See you soon hopefully to get some scrapbooking done!