Tuesday, November 20, 2007

God is so good!

I can't believe it! I just got my latest list from the one in charge of the money and I am only $75 away from reaching the total amount! Thank you so much for those of you who have made a donation to this trip for me. I could not be going if it were not for you. Thank you also for those of you who are praying for me. Again, I could not be going if it weren't for you either. Satan is sharpening up his tools against me and I have already felt his proddings, but I know and I know that my GOD is so much stronger than him! I just need to reach out to God and cling to Him in this fight and I know GOD will be victorious. Please continue to pray for me to be open to GOD and to cling to Him.

Here are some other prayer requests you can be praying about:

Pray for the women GOD has already chosen to come to these retreats and events. Pray that GOD will open their eyes and see the doors that are opening for them to be able to come and that they will make their plans soon.

Pray for the one day event in Chaing Mai. There are some difficulties getting that going in the direction it needs to go, but I know GOD wants us there or HE would not have placed this opportunity in front of us.

Pray for the finances of the other team members to come through. Pray for our fearless administrator Pat to find the best deal on airline tickets so she can use our money wisely.

Pray even now for our families for when we are gone, that GOD will give them comfort and peace (and for us to not miss them too much!). Pray for our parents, our husbands and wives, our children...Pray for anyone still needing childcare situations worked out. GOD has done some amazing things already for some of us and I know HE will provide for those who may still be uncertain.

Pray for the bonding of those of us in Nashville after Christmas when we begin our weekly Bible Study meetings, that we will grow close to the LORD and to each other, and that again our sweet families will be understanding for being gone so much.

As important as the money is for this trip, prayers is what this trip will require the most of. We value them as much as the money.

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