Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A verse for us all to memorize and take to heart

Just got an e-mail from one of our fearless leaders who had an excellent take on Isaiah 41:9-10:

I brought you from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corners (Canada, Mississippi, TN, VA, IN, Hong Kong andMD).

I said to you: You are My servant; (isn't that exactly what we want to be on this trip);
I have chosen you (now that should make you feel very special) & not rejected you.

Do not fear, (leaving children and family behind, the long trip on the plane, the unknown, how many register for the retreat, or the plans of the Thai day) for I am with you; your God.

I will strengthen you; (physically,emotionally, and mentally),
I will help you; (get everything done for this trip--preparation of the workshops; collection of all the treats; and support money);

I will hold on to youwith My righteous right hand (what an incredible promise!)

Once you start putting personal things in there it really brings it home, doesn't it?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

God is so good!

I can't believe it! I just got my latest list from the one in charge of the money and I am only $75 away from reaching the total amount! Thank you so much for those of you who have made a donation to this trip for me. I could not be going if it were not for you. Thank you also for those of you who are praying for me. Again, I could not be going if it weren't for you either. Satan is sharpening up his tools against me and I have already felt his proddings, but I know and I know that my GOD is so much stronger than him! I just need to reach out to God and cling to Him in this fight and I know GOD will be victorious. Please continue to pray for me to be open to GOD and to cling to Him.

Here are some other prayer requests you can be praying about:

Pray for the women GOD has already chosen to come to these retreats and events. Pray that GOD will open their eyes and see the doors that are opening for them to be able to come and that they will make their plans soon.

Pray for the one day event in Chaing Mai. There are some difficulties getting that going in the direction it needs to go, but I know GOD wants us there or HE would not have placed this opportunity in front of us.

Pray for the finances of the other team members to come through. Pray for our fearless administrator Pat to find the best deal on airline tickets so she can use our money wisely.

Pray even now for our families for when we are gone, that GOD will give them comfort and peace (and for us to not miss them too much!). Pray for our parents, our husbands and wives, our children...Pray for anyone still needing childcare situations worked out. GOD has done some amazing things already for some of us and I know HE will provide for those who may still be uncertain.

Pray for the bonding of those of us in Nashville after Christmas when we begin our weekly Bible Study meetings, that we will grow close to the LORD and to each other, and that again our sweet families will be understanding for being gone so much.

As important as the money is for this trip, prayers is what this trip will require the most of. We value them as much as the money.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am overwhelmed!

Wow! Tonight we in Nashville had the chance to meet Mary Kassian (the lead speaker for our group) for the first time and I am overwhelmed! She is so awesome and friendly and down to earth..but the thing that struck me most was this...she is from Canada and there are about 15 ladies there who have been praying for us and for the trip for a good long while now. Only about 4 of them are going, and their main job is just to pray while we are there. Oh, I am so unworthy to go, but yet God has called me!

What am I doing?

So, why am I going to Thailand? Good question! Here is the short of it, God told me too!

Here is the long of it: In the Bible, God’s word for mankind, Jesus commands us to Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19) I have read that verse and memorized that verse many times over my last 40 years and knew that was what God wanted us as Christians to do, but I never really felt He was calling me to go personally until now.

In my younger days I have done many things to help missionaries spread the word, through all my Lottie Moon tin can banks and Annie Armstrong milk carton banks, through my work with GAs both in Louisville and here in Thompsons Station. I have always had a “soft spot” in my heart for missionaries and their work, and always enjoyed hearing them speak about their work, whether it was Indonesia or Chicago. I knew deep down that one day He might want me to go, but I always had a bit of fear in me that said I wasn’t worthy enough or I didn’t know enough.

However, two things have happened in the last year to change that. First of all, in early March 2006 we met Harry and Patty Brittian, who were leaving for Thailand to be missionaries. They were young like us (ha!) and had 4 little kids. They came and spoke at our SS class one Sunday and we were all just in awe. How could they be so happy, so willing to go to the other side of the world with their young children, not knowing what lies ahead? We asked about common things: Is there a doctor close? Do you have running water? Will you live in a hut? But through it all, I could see so much Jesus in them! I really made a connection with them and have been in touch with them over the past year and a half of their journey.

Then, in January 2007 we had a Global Missions Banquet where our pastor encouraged all of us to go on some sort of mission trip in the next 18 months. He explained that, as Christians, this is our duty and responsibility to tell others about God and bring them to an understanding of His love for them. I had heard that hundreds of times before, but this time it really struck me. I believe it was God moving in my heart to say, “Melissa, this is the time.” Naturally, the two biggest barriers leapt in front of me: my precious children and the money. But even as I was thinking about that, Pastor Tom reminded us, “If God has called you to go and wants you to go, do you think things like care of children or parents or money are going to stand in your way?” So, I was ready to go wherever the Lord needed me.

As I looked over our church’s trips for the year, I didn’t feel any peace about what I was supposed to do. I prayed constantly, allowing God to show me what He wanted me to do. I found out about a trip through another church and thought it might be the one. However, it didn’t work out and I was really disappointed. I thought, “Ok, God. You want me to go; I’m willing, what now?” Then only a few weeks later I found out about a mission trip to Thailand. As soon as I heard even the sketchiest details, I knew this was what I was supposed to do. Imagine, going on a mission trip to minister to missionary wives and other American women, and being needed to do a scrapbook breakout session, which the women so are desperately desiring! Is God so cool or what?!?

My sweet husband keeps asking me why my first missions trip has to be around the world for two weeks and not, say, in Appalachia for a long weekend, but all I know is, God told me to go. I have concerns about the trip, but I just rest in His comfort, knowing He will provide.