Monday, March 17, 2008

Last words before we leave....

Well, my friends, here we are on the eve of the most exciting thing ever to happen to me. Not even childbirth or the night before we found out what sex of our last child was or the Christmas I got my Donnie and Marie Barbie Dolls could come close to what is happening now. I am totally frazzled (with this suitcase weight issue!), totally excited, totally at peace, totally everything. I almost don't even have any words anymore, which is very strange for me.

I have not done everything on this blog I wanted to by this date, and for those 2 of you who have been breathless awaiting my next blog entry (ha!) I am sorry. At this point, 5:30 pm on March 17, there is not more I can do. It is, however, my intent to update when I can while we are over there. And when we return I want to document every little thing that happened over there! All the people, all the places, all the cool things God does that I get to witness, experience, partake in.

Before we go, I wanted to share the words of a song by Kelly Garner, who was originally supposed to go on this trip with us. I thought I might be able to download it here too, but I can't figure out how and it's probably illegal anyway!

God Will Provide

Isaac walked up the mountain
His father by his side
Never realizing
He would be the sacrifice
And when Abraham raised his hand
To take his child's life
In his heart he must have wondered why
Sometimes God will take us to unexpected places (like Thailand and Singapore!)
But in every situation we will find

God will provide
Beyond what we imagine
So much more than we can fathom
He will supply
God will provide
When we trust in Him completely
And take each step believing like a child
God will provide

On another hill called Calvary
A Father's only Son
Was offered as a priceless gift
Of faithfulness and love
Admidst the cry of all mankind
God reached down from above
And covered us with Christ's atoning blood
No matter what our need is, God will always meet us
I know His grace will always be enough

(repeat chorus 2x)

God has done so much for us, girls and guys, and I know now He is cradling us in His hands and will keep us safe on the journey over and will strengthen us for whatever work He has already prepared for us.

It will be a joy to finally meet face to face in the next few days.


1 comment:

luvnlife said...

I see you are due to come back today! Can't wait to hear all about your trip and the wonderful blessings God has bestowed on you and through you.
